Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Finally Caught Up

Good Advice

"We do what it takes."

-the books, Fall '05

Things that still make you laugh...

Annie: I think I just saw a VIPER.
Kelly: Was it flying?
Star: Vipers are snakes, babe. They don't fly.
Annie: I meant a DODGE Viper.

4th December

Grin and Bear It

"Don't care what people say.
Just follow your own way.
Don't give up and lose the chance,
to return to INNOCENCE."

3rd December


There comes a time,
When you toughest of fights,
Searching for a sign,
Lost in the darkest of nights.
The winds blow so cold,
You're standing alone before the battle's begun.
But deep in your soul, the future unfolds
As bright as the rays of the sun.
You've got to believe in the power of love.

-Sailor Moon

2nd December

"As you sit on the hillside,
or lie prone under the trees
of the forest,
or sprawl wet-legged on the
shingly beach of
a mountain stream,
the great door, that does not
look like a door, opens."
-Stephen Graham

1st December

Embracing Ridiculous

Though here at journey's end I lie,
in darkness buried deep,
beyond all towers strong and high,
beyond all mountains steep,
above all shadows rides the sun,
and stars forever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
nor bid the stars farewell.

--Samwise Gamgee
J.R.R. Tolkien
"Return of the King"


be said...

One time Rob Shaw and I experimented with how much dish soap we could use in the dishwasher without it exploding in soap. I think we started with a lot less than Kelly did, though.

kel said...

um yeah. i filled the cup. all the way. and the pre-wash cup too. that's both. full. (that picture was taken after i had cleaned up the majority of the sea of suds.) maybe my current apartment doesn't have a dishwasher as punishment for that moment. my required penance.

*star said...

I just know that I laughed for ten minutes when I found Kelly skulking on the kitchen floor with a harried, guilty expression on her face and soap suds exploding rhythmically from the dishwasher vents.

kel said...

Oh wait a second... dang... does this mean you're done? I just realized it's the "52 things project" and it seems you've reached #52. Any chance you'll entertain us for another year? {{big, huge, persuasive grin}}

In any event, I loved it. I always got a kick out of discovering what pictures and quotes you'd put up next. Thanks for doing it.