Monday, June 14, 2010

Sweet Moolah

Something to be happy about:

Today I was at the bank. While I was waiting, I overheard a banker on the phone.

"Hi, this is (So-and-So) from the (Such-and-Such) branch. I'm sitting here with a very honest customer. When he tried to pull out 40 dollars in cash this morning, the ATM gave him 300 dollars instead. The difference is not being shown in his account..."

Hooray for that guy! Hooray for honest people who give back the extra 260 dollars!

I sort of felt like shaking his hand.


Megan and Kenny said...

What the What?!! I just found out a couple of months ago that you have a blog just to find out that you don't just have one blog you have TWO! Seriously?! OMG my friend, OMG!!

Megan and Kenny said...
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Megan and Kenny said...

You really are very talented. I just read the whole thing. I wish I was more like you. You are so crafty and fun. I miss you.